Yesterday, May 21, 2012, we launched a big push to get 25,000 signatures in the next 30 days on a White House petition asking President Obama to implement a strong public access policy. It's time to ask the Obama Administration to step up and do the right thing. We have had four years of success with the NIH Public Access Policy and two Requests for Information on public access during the past few years. A strong showing of support through this petition could very well be the catalyst the White House needs to take decisive action and implement a strong public access policy.
To reach our goal of 25,000 signatures -- and preferably blow it out of the water -- please pass along these two relatively small asks.
1. Sign the White House petition at It takes about 2 minutes to do, and anyone over the age of 13 can sign -- not just Americans.
2. Urge your friends, family, and colleagues to sign the petition as well. To pass the 25,000 mark, making the petition go viral is critical and we need your help to do so. Consider:
- Watching our 90 second youtube video promoting the petition, and sharing it
- Posting about the petition on your personal and organizational facebook and twitter accounts (#openaccess, #OAMonday). Let people know that you've signed!
- Sending a short email to friends and family urging them to sign
- Writing op-eds or letters to the editor about the petition and its potential impact for students
- Blogging about it
- Upvoting stories about the petition on Reddit, Slashdot, and other social news sites
Thanks in advance for your help, and it will certainly be a very exciting next couple of weeks!